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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Spiders and More Stuff About Me
HI all!!!. . . I've been a very bad girl, letting so much time go between posts. It's been a little crazy the last week or so, but that's no excuse.The link below will take you to Canada's version of You Tube. I found this particular clip very interesting, since I've never really seen any medical studies on spiders before today. It gets off to a bit of a slow start, but I think you'll find it fascinating. other news from the Motown Bitch. . . I mentioned a couple of posts back that I have been seeing a new Psych and we've been talking about how to best let Lauren be a part of my everyday life, despite the fact I'll never be able to fully transition. Marsha (previously referred to as Dr. M) has been working with me to let Lauren become the dominant influence in how I live my everyday life. I've purposely kept my public life (work, family etc.) and my true self segregated, causing some very confused feelings and contributing to my depression. The first major step was to get my sorry ass out of this house for something more than work and grocery shopping. Actually socialize a little, but let Lauren run the show. It's been much easier than I thought it would be. My first assignment was to get back in touch with someone I haven't seen in a while. My dear friend Kat and I have had a couple of great lunches and talk/e-mail almost daily. We had been out of touch for over two years. I didn't realize how much I've missed her. She is a friend in every sense of the word. We've known each other for almost 20 years and have been through some very trying times together. More about that another time. . . .The second assignment was to get together with someone I know casually, but have never socialized with. Enter MB. . . who works for a local business I frequent and has the most wonderful personality. We met shortly after I moved here and have had some great chats. I suggested a casual meeting and I now have a great new friend!! More about that another time too. . .Through all of this, Lauren has been in control. Kat knows about Lauren and I have explained my assignment. She addresses me as Lauren and is in full support, because she now sees my real personality, not the image I lived so miserably for years. MB only knows (so far) that I am a very gentle person who enjoys things more typical of a woman. I was completely blown away when I found out MB has two gay, adult children who are totally accepted for who they are by the entire family. I'll be seeing Marsha again next week. I've e-mailed her a couple of progress reports, but I'm really looking forward to talking with her. It's been almost a month since my last appointment.I feel pretty damned good right now. . . I'm liking this feeling!!! But, don't think for one moment that my bitchy side is going away. That just wouldn't be me LOL!!Many thanks to those of you who helped get me to this point. My Blogger friends have been the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. You know who you are.And this parting thought from scull jockey Sidney Friedman, one of my favorite characters from MASH:"Pull down your pants and slide on the ice". . .Love Y'all!!!HUGGSS!!
Posted by Lauren ::
7:27 PM ::
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