This Blog Is Officially CLOSED. . .

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

OK. . . OK. . . OK. . .

My apologies for the long delay, it's been a little wierd here in Motown. Between the re-org at work and a nasty case of the flu, I've either been living in my office or my bathroom lately. . . Guess which one I would rather toss my cookies in at this point. . .

I'm still trying to get caught up. I may be able to post something new this weekend. . .

In the mean time, think about this. . . The White House burns up more energy in one day for heating and cooling alone, than the average American home uses in 3 years. . . Now tell me, who needs to get their priorities in order??? Shouldn't "The Shrub" practice what he preaches???


Posted by Lauren :: 8:34 PM :: 5 comments

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