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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Where's My Cattle Prod??

Just when I think I've seen it all, somebody does something totally ridiculous to prove me wrong. Yesteday's grocery run provided another fine example. I'm looking through the meat case and a woman a few feet away is yacking on her cell phone. Bad enough, but then she picks up a roast and proceeds to take a picture of it with her camera/phone and asks;
"What about that one? OK, hold on. . . *click. . . send* how about this one?"
Is this person so incapable of making a simple decision like which pot roast to buy that they have to call the husband or (worse yet) her mother to get a second opinion? It took all I had to not burst out laughing. This wasn't some ding-a-ling teenybopper, but a grown woman. Was she in danger of a severe beating by hubby if the roast wasn't "just so?" I guess being born with a mind of my own (fucked up and abused as it is) isn't just an accident of birth after all. I wonder if she calls her mother when she's getting dressed in the morning to get wardrobe approval?
Then on to the ckeckout lane. . . . I wrote a long time ago (on a blogsight far far away) that I will not go though a grocery store check-out lane if a man is running the register. It just creeps me out. I recall Denise commenting that she has this reaction also. So, after finding a lane occupied by a female cashier, I am treated to a 20-something nitwit who is talking on the store phone to someone about her boyfriend and what they were doing later that night. I get ZERO eye contact, no hello, nothing. . . "Credit or Debit?" She hands me the register tape without stopping her conversation and still hasn't made eye contact. Now I'm PISSED!! "Excuse me, could you please hang up the phone and do your job?" THAT got eye contact. . . . and an AMEN from the woman behind me in line. . . And no. . . she didn't hang up the phone. I'm sure I was her "Asshole of the day" story at the bar last night . . . .
As JackieSue would say. . . . "Fuck me 'till I eat liver."

Posted by Lauren :: 11:15 AM :: 6 comments

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