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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

More F**king Rain!!!!

It 's pouring rain. . . AGAIN!!. . . I really don't believe this shit!!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad it's ONLY rain. . . At the rate it's coming down, this would be a MAJOR snow storm if it was about 10 degrees colder. . . We may get that this weekend, but still too early to know for sure. . .

The older I get, the more I hate winter and the more I hate Michigan. . . Granted, I don't have to shovel the snow (Condo. . . I have PEOPLE for that LOL!!), but I still have to drive in it. And, every winter the budgets are tighter, so there are fewer people to drive the snow plows and salt trucks. . .

At the rate we are going with Auto job losses (and all the collateral damage that follows) and state budget cuts, Michigan will officially close (by my calculations) sometime in 2008. . . Last person out please blow out the candle and douse the campfire. . . . Never mind. . . The rain killed them both LOL!!!

G'Nite all!!!!
Posted by Lauren :: 9:33 PM :: 9 comments

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