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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Since Chattymoon Asked. . .

Here's a pic of my new Milan (almost identical). It's a whole bunch more fun to drive than the "Gas-Sucking Behemoth" and better looking to boot.

It's also nice to be able to park it without needing 20 acres to turn around in like the GSB. . .

Now. . . We just need to get Rocky outta the "TOW" and into something more fitting her style. . . I'm thinking Mustang. . . . Yep! That sounds about right for the Shark Lady. . . LOL!!!

Saturday night and I'm posting pictures of a car. . . Not sure I can stand the excitement!!! LOL!!

Guess it's time for a nice hot soak. . . .


Posted by Lauren :: 7:52 PM :: 6 comments

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