Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Since I Was Tagged. . .
Thanks Kel. . . I needed this. . .
1. Three bloggers you would love to meet in person.
Unfair question!!! There are SOOOOO many!!! But, if I had to choose. . .
Babs (How To Go Insane), Because she has been so wonderful to me when I probably didn’t deserve it. . .
Denise (Mental Excrements) Because. . . Well. . . she knows why. . .
Apos (Misc. Mumblings) Because I have an overwhelming urge to hug the stuffin’ outta her, just because she deserves it. . .
2. Three movies that are so bad they are good:
The Dead Red Nudes. . . I saw this movie only once on a really bad Horror Movie show. I’ve been trying to find it for years. Insane artist kills and hacks up beautiful women and then paints pictures of them. . . He sells them in Galleries all over Rome. . .VERY Wierd!!!
Plan 9 From Outer Space. . . Need I say more??
Let’s Kill All The Lawyers. . . A low-budget film produced here in Motown by several people I know and have worked with over the years. I even dated the "Law Professor" character at one time. This was a REAL stinker!!!
3. A celebrity that you believe is most likely gay but never "came out".
Tom "I’m SO not gay" Cruise. . . It’s OK Tom. . . You can come out now. Even the Tranny Girls are doing it!!
4. Most public place you ever had sex and did anyone see you?
I’m a member of the "Mile High Club." Eastern Airlines flight from St. George, Bermuda to Motown in August, 1975. Yes. . . We got caught by the Flight Attendant. . . She just smiled and kept going.
5. Longest you ever went without sleep and why?
About 48 hours after doing PCP in Bermuda in August, 1975. . . NEVER AGAIN!!!!!
6. Your three most favorite blogs.
Another unfair question. . . . In no particular order. . .
My NOT So Fabulous Life (Ann) because I love the names she gave to the kids and she always makes me smile.
This Is My Life (Chattymoon) Because we share a lot of the same feelings.
Mental Excrements (Denise) Because she is one of the most unique personalities I’ve ever known (that’s a compliment girl!!!!).
7. Have you even been nude in public and did anyone see you?
Not intentionally, but. . . yes. . .
8. Your funniest childhood memory?
My cousin and I leading my little sister (she was about 6 at the time) about 100 yards into a cornfield and then running away. She didn’t know enough to follow the rows back out to the edge. . . I still tease her about that. . .
9. Scariest (real or perceived) thing that ever happened to you?
Hearing my mother announce she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. 18 years later I can still remember her words like it was yesterday. I’m happy to say she is one of the healthiest people I know today at age 76.
10. Worst trouble you ever got in?
The night I wrecked my father’s brand new `69 Chrysler. . . I hit a patch of ice and wrapped it around a light pole. . . I was in a parking lot at the time. . . Need I say more???
So there you have it. . . The Motown Bitch’s Blogspot Confession. . .
Posted by Lauren ::
9:34 PM ::
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